Caught in PINK
It's very rare that you find me wearing anything pink except for a few years of wearing some of the St. Paul uniforms, my best friend Lei's wedding, my boss's birthday and my love for the 2-4 bayow non-DD (mga lokaret regaluhan ba daw ako ng pink blouse! Take note they really planned it).
I just feel that the color does not suit my personality. It's too girly for me and it's like the color that you have to live up to which of course I can't!
But it's my partner Teresa's birthday. I thought so hard if I'm gonna attend her Pink Only party. Kamusta naman yun di ba?! She really wanted me to be in pink by putting the word "only". No "sow-ry" can make up for that. Joke! Hey I love the girl and she's my friend. You have to know that it took some time for me to decide if I'm gonna buy the blue or the pink shirt. The blue shirt seemed to have been calling my name. I wanted to be the rebel in the party. A rebel without a cause. The standout! But I know that it would really make her happy if she sees me in pink.
So there I was, after a few wrong turns, an hour of looking for Ortega St., getting lost in Mandaluyong, almost surprised myself for the situation that I was into.... I made it to her party. And yes, I was in pink!
Anything for you partner Teresa. The sacrifice was all worth it. It's nothing compared for all the love, support and friendship that you've given me. The promise stays on. I will be your extra Ate and your Partner Rhaych. Hang on girl! I'm always here to make you laugh.
Happy Birthday Partner Teresa!
Here's looking forward to more Saturday breakfasts with you, Adi and Sof ~ the Saturday Breakfast Club!
To anyone: You know the difference between you and me?! I MAKE THIS LOOK GOOD!
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