
Monday, April 21, 2008

Poor Teepee..... Poor Me

Below are shots of how Teepee looks like after the accident. It's now at Kuya Ricky's shop. Teepee's badly hurt. Parang nasapak. I am hurting too.. financially. But according to last Sunday's Homily, there's nothing that is given to us that we can't survive. In short, this shall pass. To the people who had expressed their support and concern most especially to Teepee, thank you so much!

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Freak Accident.... my bad!

I woke up feeling weird but I set that aside. It's Sunday, how could anything go possibly wrong? I know it's gonna be the usual routinary Sunday for me. I went to pick-up Cholo & Lui. I had a good laugh upon seeing Lui's new bangs (gosh she cut it herself!). It was way crooked and her mom had to do some more cutting just to make it look presentable. After a few minutes of drama over her bangs, we were on our way to San Mateo. Shockingly, we saw 3 car mishaps. One was in Tandang Sora, along Commonwealth & in Ampid. Three accidents in the span of a 30-minute drive! The weird feeling came back but I dare not say anything.

The day went by as expected. At around 7pm, we were on our way to bringing back the kids to Tandang Sora. There was a little argument (again!) between Lui and Cholo as to who gets to sit in front. Lui won. My Nanay and Cholo sat at the back. We were betting as to how soon Lui would fall asleep. As usual, Ampid was a little congested so I was driving very slow. I knew that far ahead was a truck and in front of me was a red car. The truck was making a signal that it's going to make a left turn and I know we were going to stop. I looked at Lui, she was falling asleep. Before I knew it, I slammed into the red car. I never really listened in my Physics class, but hey the Law of Inertia is really true! You know, an object in motion will remain in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. In my case, my car (I) was the unbalanced force, causing the red car to hit the truck as well. I initially checked on Lui. Thank God talaga for seatbelts or else, she would have hit her head on the dashboard. I knew I was in trouble. I thought I was going to faint. My knees were wobbling. I managed to check the damages that I have done. Teepee's hood folded into half. I went to the car that I hit, I checked its passengers. They were okay. The red car's bumper and right headlight was crushed due to it's impact against the truck and the rear part that I hit was also damaged. It was obvious that it was my fault. Good thing that the driver of the red car was very nice. He just said that if he had the money he would not ask me to pay for it but unfortunately he didn't have the budget. I readily apologized and said that I'm going to pay for the repair of his car. He said that he needed to have a police report and soon enough traffic enforcers came to the scene. The owner of the red car assured me that he's not going to press charges as long as I have his car fixed. My hand was shaking when I gave my license to the police. I knew that I was in serious trouble. The damage was serious and I knew it was going to cost me a lot. I cried when I saw Lui cry. She was scared and I hated myself for giving her such trauma. At the police station, we started making phone calls to my Kuya Rei, Ate Loulet and Kuya Ricky. Soon Ate Loulet came to pick-up the kids. Kuya Ricky talked to the driver of the red car and assured him that he'll be the one to fix the car. My Kuya Ricky assured me as well that he'll do everything to help me and that I should stop crying. When Kuya Rei came, he was very calm. I was expecting I'd get the worst scolding in the world. He checked Teepee's damages and was almost quiet. But, I know he's very disappointed. We decided to bring Teepee to Kuya Ricky's place.

The most calm of the whole scenario was my Nanay. She was very supportive of me. All along she was telling me that everything's gonna be okay. That it was an accident and I didn't mean for it to happen. She had talked to the other party. She kept on saying that I should be thankful that no one got hurt. Financially, it's gonna hurt me but I'll be able to earn the money again.

Now, I can't sleep. I just don't know why it happened and why now? I had so many plans for my birthday. Yup, it's my birthday next week. There are so many questions now but I hope to get the answers soon. I pray that I can sleep peacefully now. It's a totally big and costly lesson learned.

What a happy birthday!